Jayendra Madaram

Who Am i ?

Jayendra Madaram

< I am a  
"A fresher with experience", Trying to make world a better place with decentralized governence by Building scalable & secured BlockChain products
Jayendra Madaram
What does he do ?
He creates elegant, scalable web defi solutions. In his hobby time, he designs.




Block-Chain Development
Engaged into blockchain development. Building Dapps on ethereum , Avalanche , Near Protocol. Demonstrated success developing and seamlessly executing Smart contracts written in Solidity and RUST in defi and Dao structures.
Full Stack Engineering
Been a full stack developer who can develop neat aesthetic UI/UX which are Seo First using frameworks Like Nextjs. Familiar with several API methodologies like Grpc , Rest , GROQ and Graphql.Can addapt Microservice Architecture using RabbitMq and Nestjs and many more server side functionalities.
Familiar with scrapping data from Web using tools like Selenium and beautiful soup further designing automated workflows to Organize , Analyize , visualize using tools like seaborn, excel. Further Storing it in Sql or NoSql DataBases
Designing Various Bot for Social media like Instagram , Discord , Twitter and Telegram. Automating workflows increasing Reach. Desinging Automated workflow of regular tasks with Raw Python and 3rd party SDK's.
Martial Arts
Been a National Gold medalist twice in the sport of Taekwondo. Personal Hobby developed into a passion which keeps me disciplined in professional Life.
Mentoring skills
Been a Mentor for several Blockchain projects at my college NGIT. Helped them being as a Project Manager from assinging tasks and monitoring version control to Sharing resources and teaching the right way.

Here are few of my finite creations.
Jayendra madaram project
Hyperledger Based real Estate Protocol
     Implementing Real Estate bussines Logic using private permissioned Blockchain making it !100% fraud free and authentic. Simulating a blokchcain and scalaing it with Docker with 2 organizations Further writing Smartcontract and developing Api server to interact with blockchain in GoLang
  • HyperLeder-fabric
  • Golang
  • Nextjs
  • Tyepscript
  • Docker
  • Tailwind
  • Jayendra madaram project
    De-Fi Banking Protocol
         Blockchain based solution to Banking services Like Lending, Borrowing, and Staking eliminating Middlemen in between and assets as cryptocurrencies. Minting a wrapped token for deposited asset handling Staked deposits to lend and dividing fixed returns. Built using Openzepplin and Avve
  • Solidity
  • Truffle
  • Tyepscript
  • Nextjs
  • OpenZeppelin
  • ropsten
  • Jayendra madaram project
    Nft Minting Using Anime characters Generated with StyleGan2
         Using Style Gan2 AI model to generate 666 anime characters deplying them to IPFS, minting then accordingly with ERC721 Smart contract and Libraries from Thirdweb
  • Thirdweb
  • ropsten
  • StyleGan
  • Tyepscript
  • TailWind
  • Nextjs
  • Jayendra madaram project
    GuestBook Funding Book on Near Ecosystem
         Using Near-sdk to write RUST smart Contract which stores friendly note from our Beloved ones on blockchain and transfers their funding to our wallets without any middle man and 100% uptime. A react_VIte based UI to render Notes of our previous well wishers
  • RUST
  • Near-sdk
  • StyleGan
  • Tyepscript
  • TailWind
  • Vite
  • react
  • Jayendra madaram project
    Blockchain Based E-Voting Protocol
         resuable Smart contract written in Solidity For a blockchain based voting protocol to avoid frauds and conduct authentic elections benifiting with tracking. Smart Contracts where deployed to AVALANCHE C-chain Handling case where People with tokens of the orgnanisation can only Vote
  • Solidity
  • Truffle
  • Tailwind
  • Tyepscript
  • web3JS
  • Vite
  • react
  • Jayendra madaram project
    YoutUbe Clone Using YouTube v3 api
         Complete Youtube Clone Built using React and State Managament Library using Redux. Entire Auth process was carried out with Firebase Google Authentication and Styling with Css Framework Sass
  • React
  • Sass
  • Redux
  • FireBase
  • YouTube Data V3 api
  • Jayendra madaram project
    Project Vriddhi
         National Education Databse visualized on Web; using interactive react Components to visualize and track progress of Education workflow in the Nation. Built automated workflows and triggers to Automatically predict metrics like dropout Rate. Project with which my Team made into National hackathon Finals
  • React
  • Vite
  • Apex-charts
  • Tailwind
  • express
  • MongoDB
  • Jayendra madaram project
    Project Genetics
         Built a MedTech product Which helps a professional at a Hospital to Record History of Patient, Handle their DICOM reports and anotate over them further remotely disgnosing the anotated DICOM's with help of Artificial Intelligence Technologies
  • Python
  • Flask
  • React
  • MongoDB
  • CornerStoneJS
  • Keras
  • T-flow
  • Jayendra madaram project
    Medium Clone
         Full Stack Clone of Blogging Site Medium with Sanity as backend content management System and GROQ query Language. Components built based on Hybrid Server Side Rendering Framework Nextjs For Full controll over SEO bots to crawl on blogs
  • Nextjs
  • Sanity
  • GROQ
  • Tailwind
  • Typescript
  • Jayendra madaram project
         Solution Which bought made us stand 2nd position in Megathon22; App made Exclusively for ruaral regions for remote disgnosis with AI Models with OTP based Authentication. App includes Assigning Doctor to patient and recording Medical History of a Patient
  • Python
  • Flask
  • MongoDB
  • reddis-Docker
  • Twillio
  • Keras
  • Jayendra madaram project
    WebScrapping And Automation
         Resuable Python Scripts to Scrap Data from job Portals and Parses the data with lxml tooling and Beatifullsoup Library further organising data and storing it into Excel and visualizing it with Seaborn Static Pages are scrapped Usint HTTPrequests dynamic Content is Scrapped using Selenium
  • Python
  • BeatifullSoup
  • lxml
  • seaborn
  • Selenium
  • csv
  • Jayendra madaram project
    Project Resell [Secondary product Market]
         User Can List products or they can buy products based on near By location. project follows microservice Architecture.
  • Nextjs
  • Docker
  • Reddis
  • PostGres
  • GraphQl
  • Nestjs
  • Typescript
  • Python
  • Ellastic Search
  • RabbitMq
  • Meet and Greet !!
    Impressed Already !! Schedule a 30 Min Gmeet or a Call with me




    Made with 💖 By
    Jayendra Madaram